

Our Philosophy

LCC Preschool is a faith-based preschool centered with the love for the Lord and the big world He created. We believe that children are full of knowledge with endless ways of learning. Teachers support children as active learners. We encourage each child to be “researchers” and share their many ways of thinking, playing, exploring, speaking, and doing. We value every individual child’s desires and abilities to learn and grow.

The Child

God creates all children as unique individuals, with their own thoughts, ideas, and personalities. At LCC we value those unique qualities. We believe children are strong, capable, and resilient. We give them the opportunity to learn all about God’s big world through their own lens.  We believe that learning is not just teacher directed but that it takes the child, the teacher, and their environment to create a solid foundation for learning. 

Our Teachers


Teachers are a fundamental piece to guiding children to be their best selves. At LCC teachers observe and guide children through intentional explorations that are based on the child’s interests. Each child is allowed to experiment, make mistakes, and find solutions. Teachers encourage children to share their thoughts and ideas of the world around them without interruption; instead, they ask questions to expand on their theories and scaffold their learning. Together, the child and the teacher create an environment where the child is the protagonist to their own way of learning.

Observation and Documentation

With detailed observations teachers focus on listening to each child’s interests. Teachers write down thoughts and ideas that children have about the explorations in the classroom. Through documentation teachers can share these observations with the children, teachers, and families. Observations and documentations are done by handwritten note taking, pictures, and videos. These documentations are shared with the children in the classrooms and with the parents through email, parent teacher conferences and Brightwheel.

Our Environment

At LCC we believe that a child’s environment plays a huge role in their learning process. We do our best to make each space a place where children can flow through the classroom with teachers serving as a guide. Both our indoor and outdoor classrooms are designed to give children a chance to investigate and try different materials that align with their ongoing projects and interests. Every material has a purpose giving every child an opportunity to learn different skills without interruption. The materials are geared to enhance fine motor skills, social emotional, cognitive development that are also aligned with the California preschool learning foundations. 

Our Preschool Enrichment Classroom


At LCC preschool we have added a brand-new enrichment space. The enrichment classroom is a work space designed for children that encourages creativity and knowledge in the Arts, Culinary Arts, and Musical Theater. In addition to their classrooms and outdoor spaces, children will have the chance to go into another space and let their imagination run wild. We have two master teachers that will work with each class once a week. Our master art teacher will focus on all different forms of Art. Our master musical theater teacher will focus on music, theater and much more. The enrichment classroom will also be used as a culinary space where teachers can go in and explore the world of cooking with their students. This space as well as all our other spaces are designed to encourage creativity and support ongoing learning. 


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